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Celebrating International Women's day with Eco Glitter Fun

"There is no limit to what, we, as women, can accomplish"

- Michelle Obama

We had the honour to celebrate International's Women's day by being apart of a "Under the Fit" photoshoot by Jenni. We covered beautiful bodies in our eco glitter and the girls truly shined!

Sophie has truly mastered the art of glittering by only taking 45 minutes to glitter 5 bodies! She was very short of time for the glitter application and also for the photography but we definitely have no complaints with the outcome! Not sure how much more Sophie can amaze us. Big thanks to Jenni for letting us be apart of this body positive shoot. It was amazing to see all different types of healthy and wonderful bodies. The girls looked absolutely amazing in our eco glitter fun sparkles and it was such a fun way to celebrate International Women's day.

Take a look at our behind the scenes of our strong beautiful models!

Big shoutout and thanks to our amazing models: Jeni England, Popz, Aileen Mccann, Jay and our talented photographer Annabelle . We were so grateful to capture the girls in action and have such empowering images.

If you wanted to know Sophie's trick to how to get the perfect sparkly body..

"We are not what other people say we are. We are who we know ourselves to be and we are what we love"

- Laverne Cox

We hope you had an amazing International Women's Day! This day represents more than just cis women, this is a celebration for lesbian, bisexual and transgender women, Anyone who identifies as a women, this is a day to celebrate you.


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